

In theatre, ordinary life is transformed. From the extremely phenomenal, to the utterly absurd, or the intensely melancholic. Not much in between. Thespians thrive on drama, tension, and spectacle. Our fascination with the theatre goes back to the 6th Century BC when Thespis, a Greek priest, first appeared on stage as an actor.


For Mongolian-Russian artist Dashi Namdakov, his interest in the theatre goes beyond spectating. He creates art that immortalises spectacular theatrics. His Garuda bracelet does not only offer glimpses of the rainbow world of theatres. It pulls you, almost hypnotising you, to join in the spectacle. Made of 18k yellow gold, and designed to sheathe the upper arm, this Venetian mask-inspired bracelet is both odd and beautiful, ponderous and wonderful — exactly like a mesmerising drama unfolding on stage.

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